Essay 1: Argument

Arguing, when most people think about arguing they usually have negative connotations with the word. However, I believe that an argument leads to the search for truth. Arguing and giving up any "right to our own opinion" can improve all of our lives and humanity's future. This is because giving up the right to our own opinion" encourages the change of opinions, expands debate, and encourages new evidence for those opinions.

  When we give up our "right to our opinion" a whole new world of learning opens up and encourages us to change our opinions based on the new information presented. Opinions are encouraged to change because newer, more informed, overall better claims will be introduced and people will be willing to listen and learn. As stated before, not only will our lives improve because now we have so much knowledge but more people willing to take that knowledge and learn. Then these new informed people will replace their old ideas and keep future generations building off of that as well. Opinions and knowledge will get better as more and more generations pass.

  Since we would now be open to listening to new ideas this would be an excellent time to debate ideas between each other in the search of truth, or in simpler terms argue to find the truth. An obstacle we currently face is stated very well in Jamie Whyte's book, Crimes Against Logic, it details that when people's opinions are questioned, they take offense, never asking themselves if they could be wrong. Although, if we gave up our right, and freely questioned each other, we could get so much closer to the truth because everyone is asking everyone else, "Is that true?" This type of questioning will also accelerate the information we are gathering because we must support our claims.

  To have good opinions to replace our old ones and to debate between each other, we must have good evidence to back up our claims, letting go of this right will encourage new evidence to back up our opinions instead of feelings. Humanity will move forward rapidly because we will be replacing our old ideologies based on feelings with new evidence supported opinions. New information is always a plus for humanity and advancements in all areas of study.

  Opinions being changed, expanding debate, and new evidence to back up opinions, are all products from simply giving up the "right to your opinion". All of these things are great achievements which will advance humanity. They are intertwined with each other, being open to new ideas fuels debate to find the truth, which in turn fuels the search for information to back up your opinion. So, are you willing to give up your own "right to your own opinion"? Is everyone in your community is willing to do the same?
